Five whisky cocktails to warm your winter nights

For DoddieAid 2024 teams of cyclists from all over the UK propelled themselves across Europe through the bitter March weather to reach Rome ahead of the Scotland v Italy Six Nations match on 9th March.

Whisky cocktail

To some, the idea of using a beautifully crafted single malt whisky to make a cocktail is tantamount to sacrilege but to many, it’s another wonderful way to enjoy a tipple of scotch.

One thing that cannot be denied, is that using a single malt whisky in a cocktail opens the drink to a whole new army of fans – specifically discerning cocktail lovers.

Cocktails are in… they’ve never been out, but the legions of fans who rave about Mojitos and Cuba Libres are probably more likely to enjoy a Whisky Sour than a fine single malt on the rocks. It might pain some traditionalists but it’s the cold, hard truth.

So, the purists may have to avert their eyes to this one, but we’ve compiled a list of some of the single malt whisky cocktails that will be perfect for a fun night in. You can’t bring yourself to add your favourite single malt to a cocktail? Ah, ok. We understand. If it really is too difficult for you to even contemplate, these whisky cocktails would be just as enjoyable, if perhaps a little less esteemed, with a good blended whisky.

One of the most endearing points to our beloved whisky is the simplicity with which it can be enjoyed, and these whisky cocktails are themselves straightforward in their creation. A few good ingredients and a splash of whisky magic can create something truly stunning and these five beauties are great examples of that.

These firecracker whisky cocktails are guaranteed to heat things up as winter approaches and would also be perfect for those festive season parties, as they’re fast approaching… gulp.

So, grab your ingredients, open the whisky cabinet (we can help you if it’s looking a little unloved) and start making magic with whisky cocktail classics.

Whisky Sour

To those who say a real Whisky Sour can only be enjoyed with Bourbon, we say, “Rubbish”! This classic whisky cocktail is traditionally created with bourbon whisky but this incarnation of the drink offers a more complex array of flavours and a more intense, less sickly character.

• Whisky: 2 measures

• Juice of half a lemon

• 1/2 teaspoon of sugar

• Lots and lots and lots of ice

• Shake well

• Serve with a wee bit of soda to your liking


Whisky. Worcestershire sauce. Tomato juice. Enjoy. Can it get any easier than that? If you’re a fan of a Bloody Mary, then there’s a good chance you’ll like this whisky cocktail. It’s a meal in a glass and a drink you’d spend some quality time enjoying.

• Whisky: 1 measure

• Dash of Worcestershire Sauce

• A good glug of tomato juice to your liking

Rob Roy

Would an 18th Century Scottish folk hero be flattered that a drink mixing a fine whisky with a fortified wine and a sweetened cherry was named after him? Probably not. But he would have loved it if he’d given it a try, and so will you. Make this drink in two minutes and spend the next two years wondering why you didn’t try it sooner.

• Whisky: 2 measures

• Vermouth: 1 measure

• Dash of Angostura Bitters

• Maraschino cherry

Blood and Sand

Don’t let the rather gruesome and not very appealing name put you off. This drink is all heart. It’s a big hitting, fruity cocktail that tastes fresh, almost summery, but there’s that warm afterglow that’ll help to warm the cockles on a cold winter’s night.

• Whisky: 1 measure

• 25ml of fresh orange juice

• Sweet Vermouth: ½ measure

• Cherry Heering: ½ measure

Highland Bramble

Have we saved the best for last? Maybe. We’ve certainly left the most creative to last. This drink is an absolute blast and the deep rosy red finish just makes it even more impressive. This whisky cocktail was originally a big hit using gin but we much prefer this incarnation. Create this cracker in a tall glass with lots of ice, stand back, admire then be amazed at this smooth, fruity beauty with a cool after burn.

• Whisky: 1 ½ measures

• Crème de Mure: ½ measure

• 30ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice

• 1 tspn of honey (or sugar syrup)

• Lots of ice